Yang Song

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About Me

I have joined Kuaishou(HK.1024) as the Head of Recommendation (VP of Engineering) since June 2020, overseeing both core modeling and data mining teams. I manage and lead 100+ engineers and scientists to develop machine learning models that power Kuaishou's recommendation and ads engines in all major services, including domestic products (Kuaishou and Kuaishou Express) and international products (Kwai). We are one of the world's leading short-video content communities and social platforms with 1 billion monthly active users, and still growing at a tremendous speed (Bloomberg, Forbes). I'm also actively oraganizing academic conferences and have served as PC&Area Chairs in Recsys, WSDM, TheWebConf(WWW), IEEE Big Data etc.

I was a Research&Engineering Manager in the Deep Dialogue group of Machine Intelligence in Google AI, working on building the world's best dialogue engines for Google products using deep learning, NLP and recommender systems. Before that, I was a Senior Software Engineer at Google Seattle working on user modeling and machine learning for Ads.

I spent over 7 years at Microsoft Research before joining Google. I was a Researcher at the Deep Learning Technology Center at Microsoft Research Redmond. Before that, I was a Researcher affiliated with Internet Services Research Center (ISRC)Search Quality & Cyber-Intelligene Lab (SQ-CIL) in MSR Redmond. I joined MSR in 2009 after I got my Ph.D. During my Ph.D, I worked with my advisor C. Lee Giles on the next generation scientific literature search engine CiteSeer, which was once the world most popular search engines for scientific literature [screenshot].

Here is the link to my Google Scholar page.

[new]The first comprehensive book about query understanding for search engines has been published. We co-authored the chapter of query suggestions.

We have recently open-sourced our code that implemented Multi-view DNN and Temporal DSSM in Keras [github link].


2020~now, VP of Engineering, Kuaishou Technology, Beijing, China.
2016~2020, Research Manager, Google Research/AI, Seattle/Mountain View, U.S.A.
2009~2016, Researcher, Microsoft Research (MSR), Redmond, U.S.A.
2008 Summer, Research Intern, IBM TJ Watson, Hawthorne, NY, U.S.A.
2007 Summer, Research Intern, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, U.S.A.
2005 Summer, Research Intern, Ask.com, Piscataway, NJ. U.S.A.


Ph.D. in Computer Science and EngineeringThe Pennsylvania State University
B.S. in Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, China

Research Interests

My research includes a broad interests of machine learning-related fields, e.g., information retrieval, search engine ranking, recommender systems, natural language processing and so on.

Invited Talks & Media Coverages

Journal Publications

Referred Conference Proceedings

(*) are students I mentored for their summer internships at Microsoft Research and Google Research.


  • Fan Li, Xu Si, Shisong Tang, Dingmin Wang, Kunyan Han, Bing Han, Guorui Zhou, Yang Song and Hechang Chen, Contextual Distillation Model for Diversified Recommendation, in KDD'24 (Ads Track).
  • Shunyu Zhang, Hu Liu, Wentian Bao, Yun En Yu and Yang Song, A Self-boosted Framework for Calibrated Ranking, in KDD'24 (Ads Track).
  • Yimeng Bai, Yang Zhang, Fuli Feng, Jing Lu, Xiaoxue Zang, Chenyi Lei and Yang Song, GradCraft: Elevating Multi-task Recommendations through Holistic Gradient Crafting, in KDD'24 (Ads Track).
  • Yang Jin, Zhicheng Sun, Kun Xu, Kun Xu, Liwei Chen, Hao Jiang, Quzhe Huang, Chengru Song, Yuliang Liu, Di Zhang, Yang Song, Kun Gai, Yadong Mu, Video-LaVIT: Unified Video-Language Pre-training with Decoupled Visual-Motional Tokenization, in ICML'24. [github]
  • Teng Shi, Zihua Si, Jun Xu, Xiao Zhang, Xiaoxue Zang, Kai Zheng, Dewei Leng, Yanan Niu and Yang Song, UniSAR: Modeling User Transition Behaviors between Search and Recommendation, in SIGIR'24 (Full Paper).
  • Zhongxiang Sun, Zihua Si, Xiao Zhang, Xiaoxue Zang, Yang Song, Hongteng Xu and Jun Xu, To Search or to Recommend: Predicting Open-App Motivation with Neural Hawkes Process, in SIGIR'24 (Full Paper).
  • Kai Zheng, Haijun Zhao, Rui Huang, Beichuan Zhang, Na Mou, Yanan Niu, Yang Song, Hongning Wang and Kun Gai, Full Stage Learning to Rank: A Unified Framework for Multi-Stage Systems, TheWebConf'24 (Research Track).
  • Guanyu Lin, Chen Gao, Yu Zheng, Jianxin Chang, Yanan Niu, Yang Song, Kun Gai, Zhiheng Li, Depeng Jin, Yong Li and Meng Wang, Mixed Attention Network for Cross-domain Sequential Recommendation, in WSDM'24 (Oral).
  • Guanyu Lin, Yu Zheng, Chen Gao, Jianxin Chang, Yanan Niu, Yang Song, Zhiheng Li, Depeng Jin and Yong Li, Inverse Learning with Extremely Sparse Feedback for Recommendation, in WSDM'24 (Oral).
  • Yimeng Bai, Yang Zhang, Jing Lu, Jianxin Chang, Xiaoxue Zang, Yanan Niu, Yang Song and Fuli Feng, LabelCraft: Empowering Short Video Recommendations with Automated Label Crafting, in WSDM'24.
  • Ziyang Liu, Chaokun Wang, Liqun Yang, Yunkai Lou, Hao Feng, Cheng Wu, Kai Zheng and Yang Song, Incorporating Dynamic Temperature Estimation into Contrastive Learning on Graphs, in ICDE'24.
  • Chunxu Zhang, Guodong Long, Hongkuan Guo, Xiao Fang, Yang Song, Zhaojie Liu, Guorui Zhou, Zijian Zhang, Yang Liu and Bo Yang, Federated Adaptation for Foundation Model-based Recommendations, in IJCAI'24.
















Contact Me:

EMail: ys at sonyis dot me
Kuaishou Technology,
6 Shangdi West Road Haidian District
Beijing, 100085 China
Google Research
747 6th St
Kirkland, WA 98033
Microsoft Research
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052